
2019 Traveling Trends and Tips for Baby Boomers

Just because you’ve gotten older does not mean you lack the spirit and energy for adventure. Quite the opposite, in fact. A recent poll conducted by AARP Travel has found that most Baby Boomers plan to embark on four-five vacations [...]

Why Alzheimer’s Affects Sleeping

One of the most prevalent diseases of our generation, Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is said to affect an estimated 4.5 million Americans. Alzheimer’s is also the sixth leading cause of death in the United States. With the baby boomer generation aging, [...]

A Guide to Helping Parents Downsize

For most seniors, moving from their home of many years to an assisted living facility is a difficult process. Sorting through decades of possessions and family history can be emotional. Additionally, helping parents with downsizing or moving can be especially [...]

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