
8 Tips for Beating the Winter Blues for Seniors

For seniors facing this particularly unique season, the winter doldrums may seem inevitable. Although the pandemic is still present, days are shorter and temperatures are cooler, there are still proven ways to combat seasonal melancholy. Whether it’s for you or [...]

6 Top Memory Games for Dementia

Studies show the multiple benefits of cognitive-stimulating activities like memory-related games, both for overall brain health and for those with Alzheimer’s or dementia. Unfortunately, there are some conflicting reports about the efficacy of memory games for dementia, claiming they can [...]

6 Tips for Better Dementia Communication

If you have a loved one diagnosed with dementia, one of the first troubling symptoms you may notice is a change in communication. Dementia communication shifts can vary from your loved one searching for the correct word to not comprehending [...]

Caring for Aging Parents During the Holiday Season

Caring for aging parents is always a balancing act, especially during the holidays (not to mention with the added challenge of a global pandemic). Eighty-five percent of caregivers surveyed say the holidays are the primary time when their older family [...]

Caregiver Tips to Avoid Holiday Stress

For caregivers, the holiday season can be a wonderful time of year to participate in carols, cookie baking or decorations. Amid all of this excitement, anxieties and stressors of the day-to-day provider responsibilities remain and sometimes become heightened amid new [...]

Alzheimer’s Caregivers’ Guide to the Holidays

The holiday season is upon us. Most people look forward to festivities, gift-giving, good food and quality family time. Caregivers might also feel a surge of anxiety. You wonder where you’ll find the time and energy to recreate your family [...]

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